Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Inside and Out!

Students were excited to be able to play in the snow today after drinking hot chocolate and eating snow balls! So glad Frosty brought these treats to Oakland. After we played in the snow, we found out we were dismissing early due to the snow that would soon be falling outside!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reading Champions

We have reached some major milestones in our room with 100 Book Challenge! I wanted to share their accomplishments with you!


Grant, Jake, Julianna and Henslee


Ethan, Kellan, and Elliott

Front row: Jacob, Jeremiah, Edward, Chrissa, Adryiana

Back row: Caitlyn, Natalie, Hannah, Kole


Kristopher Michael


Amazing Readers: Ally and Allena


Monday, January 20, 2014

Teacher Web Issues

I haven't been able to update my Teacher Web website over the last week or so. I tried to update the site before I left Friday but it wouldn't let me save my changes. I have tried several times this weekend, and I still can't do anything. It all has to do with updates in Java and some other program. I get this weird message: Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar

 I have no idea what all that means. I just know it used to work, and now it doesn't! All of the programs are updated, but it still blocks the updates. I have tried to access it using multiple computers, Mac and PC,  and using both Explorer and Safari. Still no luck!

I have used Teacher Web for seven years, but this is the only year I have had multiple issues. I have emailed the newsletter, spelling words, and Math homework like I typically do on Sunday evenings. I'm sorry we can't access these on Teacher Web. I will check with Oakland on Tuesday to see if others are having the same issues.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Math Buckets

Students had fun today playing different games with coins where they got to practice, practice, practice! They also quizzed each other with addition flash cards. Eleven different buckets on the shelf and two students working out of each bucket. Today students explored two buckets and I know they had a great time. Great learning found all across the room!
Natalie counting coins and using QR codes to check her answers.
Juliana and Ethan using flash cards

Ally and Jeremiah had to roll the dice and then cover the coin that matched a number on the dice. Since the coins are black and white, they really had to pay attention to the details on each coin.

Grant and Hannah playing the same game.

Jacob and Chrissa using QR codes.

Kole and Caitlin using flash cards.

Edward and Adryiana counting coins in their piggy bank.

Kristopher Michael and Allena are using the Math games from our Math series.

Jake and Estella playing Coin Quest.

Henslee and Trevor finding out how much they have in their banks.

Kellan and Luke using our Math center games.
Who knew Math could be so much fun?

They all worked very well together and were a joy to stand back and watch!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Get Lost in a Book

Since Christmas several students have told me they went to see the movie "Frozen" and have talked about how much they loved it. I came across a suggested list of books to read from HarperCollins Children's Books for students who loved the movie Frozen. I wanted to share this with you because if my own love of reading and getting lost in a great book!

Book recommendations for kids who loved Frozen

I also wanted you to see this list of Top 10: Best Beginning Chapter Books Series for ages 6-9


In our class each student has their own book bucket and they "shop" for 5 books each week to keep in their buckets. Whenever they finish a project/assignment they know they can always get their bucket and read. Jacob came to me our first day back and asked me if I had a certain book. My students have learned so far that I have had every book they have asked to read. (Yep-I have over 800 books)
What can I say? I love books!

So back to Jacob, he stumped me at first. I didn't recognize the title he mentioned. He told me it was really funny so I asked him to tell me more about it. When he explained it, I got a huge grin on my face and told him what the cover looked like and where he could find it in our room. He had a couple of the words out of order, so I didn't recognize the title. What a great moment! His whole face lit up and mine did too!  I love being able to put books in the hands of my students. If they are interested in the book, they will jump right in and read it.

On Friday Ally came to me and asked if I had a certain Junie B. book. I asked if she had looked in  the Junie B. basket and off she went. She came back to me and said "No, it wasn't there." Since I had been successful earlier with Jacob, I said tell me about it. I loved what she did! She brought me the Junie B. book she was currently reading, opened the front cover, and pointed to the small pictures of different covers of other Junie B. books. For the first time, I was stumped.
I didn't have the book she wanted to read. I guess there is a first time for everything!

I am just like Ally. I know what I like to read and I already have the next book picked out before I even finish my current read. I always have one in waiting.  I hope I can instill this love of reading in every student. Reading is my passion and I love seeing my students talking about the great books they have read. If I don't have the book, I want to find it for them.

By the way-the title Ally asked about has been ordered!

I think Ernest Hemingway said it best, "There is no friend as loyal as a book."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1 Grant Funded, 1 Needing More Support

Right before Christmas I found out our grant called, "Tick Tock Are You Finished" was completely funded!! We will receive 22 copies of the book, "White Snow, Bright Snow." I know students will really enjoy having their own copy to read as we read it together in class. It is so much better to have the book in your own hands, instead of trying to share a book with a partner.

I currently have another grant posted: The Book is in the Middle that we hope will also get funded. This grant is asking for two more sets of books. After we finish reading  "White Snow, Bright Snow", we can jump to another great story and then another!

This grant was written for 22 copies of: Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping and 22 copies of  Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade. I will read a chapter at a time as students follow along. They will be able to go back and reread which will further their own understanding and comprehension.

Donors have read my grants and have provided funding so we could receive so many wonderful things for my classroom for students to use. It is just amazing what happens when friends, family, and complete strangers support classrooms!

Top 10 Things to Say

Please read the post below about Kid President before you watch this video. Come back to it afterwards and it will make more sense-

Top 10 Things to Say

Kid President!

Instead of the traditional: What do you want to learn in 2014? or.....This year I will....... I came across a great idea on "An Apple For The Teacher" blog. She shared a lesson she did back in April asking students to respond after watching a video from Kid President.

I loved it and wanted to begin our new year asking students to think about the things that would make our world better. I heard: no bullying, being nice to others, if Dads didn't have to go to war, and if they had a cure for Cancer, imagine how many more birthdays people would have. (Pass the Kleenex!)
*I will get those pictures up soon-

So, after that lesson we discussed that if we wanted the word to really be "AWESOME" we would have to make a difference. So back to Kid President we went and we watched "Kid President, 20 Things we should say" . My students then created their own top ten lists.

I made a video of their work with Animoto and it is posted above this post. You have to watch the videos linked above first to understand why two students wrote, "I kissed Beyonce". They have really enjoyed watching Kid President, but it has opened the doors for some very serious discussions.

1. What kind of world do we want to live in?
2. Can one person really make a difference?
3. What can we do?
4. How do we want to be treated?
5. What do we want others to say to us?
6. What are the things we want to remember to say to others?

I have really enjoyed the discussions we have had so far this week. We have discussed so much more than we would have if we had stuck to the same ole' traditions. Guess it really is good to throw out the old ways and embrace the new!

Thank you Kid President, You are AWESOME!!!

Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread Houses

I just wanted to share this video from the last day before Christmas break. Students had a great time making Gingerbread houses. Thank you parents for sending in the supplies so students could enjoy this experience!

Click on the words Gingerbread  Houses to see the slide show