Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanks for caring about us!

Today we received a box of 25 seat sacks that were donated to our classroom through a Grant funded with Donors Choose. I wish I had videotaped my students! They were sooooo excited to open these and immediately put them to use. When the box came, I knew immediately what they were. I gathered the students around me and opened the box to reveal what was inside. They went nuts! I immediately heard, "Oh Yea", "We will never have to pick up our things AGAIN", "Man these things are awesome", and "I am so glad we got these. These things are going to make my life so much easier."

I knew our seat sacks were stretched out and I knew they were an issue; this is exactly why I wrote the grant. What I didn't realize was just how much of an issue they were for my students. I am so grateful to the six donors for supporting our classroom and helping us receive these amazing resources! I bought the original seat sacks and it is true, you get what you pay for! I didn't get a good deal after all.

Why seat sacks? Well, we've been very blessed through Donors Choose and have gotten dry erase boards, erasers and markers for every student. Through another grant, every student has their own dictionary to keep at their desk to help them with their writing. The dictionaries have lines for students to write their own words for later use. This allows a dictionary to truly meet students needs. These materials are used everyday and need to be easily accessible for students.

The new seat sacks hold Everything WITHOUT sagging, tipping, or sliding off. Just look at their faces! It felt like Christmas and they were so grateful!

The seat sacks seem like such a small thing, but it makes such a difference in our room!


1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! I love good organizational ideas! :) Congratulations on your grant!
